Sunday, January 25, 2009

T-Shirts and Mortality

I have T-shirt that has a hole in it. Right in the front and center, which seems like a very strange place for a T-shirt to wear out. I got this T-shirt in 1992. A high-school friend and I decided to do an exchange of t-shirts from our respective new universities. She went to Trinity, in Texas, and I went to BYU. I wear this Trinity t-shirt just for pajamas now, but I used to wear it a lot for real, too. Many of you have probably seen it on me. It just struck me as amazing that I have been routinely wearing this T-shirt for SEVENTEEN YEARS. Is that crazy? I can't even believe I've been out of high school that long. I mean, I remember going to my dad's 20th High school reunion as a family, and I was about 12 or something. I'm almost the age my dad was then? It boggles the mind...but on the other hand, that was one well made t-shirt, wouldn't you say?


Lara Neves said...

I just got rid of a Harry Connick, Jr. concert t shirt that I got in 1994. It was just full of holes, but I loved it so!

Your shirt was indeed well beat mine out by a few years!

Liz the Poet said...

1992 was 17 years ago!

Holy cow...

themayerfamily said...

That is amazing. I'm feeling a little old right now. It feels like we graduated just like a year or two ago. And, I must also say that they don't build t-shirts like they used to. Remember when t-shirts with logos used to be THE thing to wear?