Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Pool is The Place

I bought the kids a fairly large blow up pool for the back yard this year. I figured thirty dollars was worth many minutes of happy distraction for CT and Lily. CT loves it. Lily stays in for about ten minutes, then she's done and wants to get dressed and have a snack. Amelia hasn't been in yet - too much crazy splashing and "dives" going on, but she really enjoys watching from the sidelines. So do I.


rachelsaysso said...

I'm thinking of buying a big pool for my living room. It's hot tamales this week.

And as expected, your kids are adorable.

Mendy said...

Seriously, how beautiful is your baby?! Truly, all three are cute.

We had that same pool last year (and I still have the giant bald spot in my yard to prove it). We had such a cool spring this year that we made it until the big pool opened before we needed to use water to cool off. And thank goodness for the pool when our AC was out!

Laura said...

I'm with Lily...it's all about the snacks!