Friday, May 16, 2008


I have something to say that I know many of you will not like. Here it is: I do not enjoy the television show The Office. I have watched possibly two full episodes and portions of several others, among them the big season finale of the show last night. I understand the point of the show. I know what they are going for. Frankly, I just think there is too much (call me a prude) inappropriate material on the show. And the ineptness of nearly all of the characters is really annoying. It's all too much for me. Trying too hard to be different. There are moments that are truly entertaining, but they are too few for me to devote whole half hours to it on a regular basis.

Maybe some of you like it for the same reason I enjoy watching "John and Kate Plus Eight" sometimes. Tyler always asks "Why do you want to watch a show about a house full of crazy kids and parents feeling overwhelmed when you live that everyday?" And the answer is, "Because it makes me feel better to see other people feeling overwhelmed and seeing other children breaking down. It makes me feel not as alone in the world". So, those of you who are office bound could feel the same way. Perhaps to you the sight of all of the completely incompetent characters on that show makes you feel better about your work lives filled with incompetent co-workers. Those of you who don't work in an office, I have no justification for.

There. Now you know. Are we all still friends?


Gina said...

I'm mediocre on The Office. It has it's funny moments. We are totally friends.

Amanda said...

I see that Rachel hasn't responded and my guess is because you are now cut off! No more friendship for you.
I will always adore you, even if you don't like The Office. This is kind of hard for me to admit because I have stated for quite awhile that choosing friends based solely on whether or not they liked the show, was an easy way to go.
I don't get not liking the show, but I still like you.

rachelsaysso said...

Yes we can still be friends. But only because you have many other excellent qualities. And you're funny. If you weren't funny and you didn't like that Office than I would drop you like a hot potato.

Laura said...

We can still be friends! I'll admit it took me a while to warm up to the show, but now I love it. And I agree with you that being office bound is a huge part of it. There are likenesses to all the characters here in my office.

Oh...and I love Jon and Kate Plus 8...mostly because those kids crack me up! A couple of them said some really funny stuff last night that had me laughing out loud, but now I can't remember!

Liz the Poet said...

I guess we can still be friends... :-)

Shanda said...

I think The Office is hilarious! However, I don't like Grey's Anatomy or Desperate Housewives. To make matters worse, I've never even heard of Jon and Kate Plus 8! So I guess I have the same question for you ... can we still be friends?

themayerfamily said...

Wendy, we're still totally friends. I haven't actually watched a whole episode because I can't get into the office. Maybe because I never spent much time there.. I don't know.