Sunday, August 3, 2008

Misty Water-colored Memories

Here's something gleaned from a friend's blog that I thought was fun:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Happy Reminiscing!


Amanda said...

Well, I have so many memories with you that are too fun and I really miss you.
The first memory that came to mind was when Sara and I first moved to Chino Hills. It was the Monday before the Fourth of July and when we went to FHE and tried to see what people were doing, we got a whole lot of 'dear in the headlights,' so we decided to throw our own party and invite anyone that wanted to come. We didn't understand that everyone lived at home and if they had plans, they didn't include us.
So, on the fourth, the only person to show up at our 4th Extravaganza was our dear friend Wendy. You brought a pasta salady thing, I think ???
That was the beginning of a great friendship, even if you did come just because you felt bad for us.

Mendy said...

This is hard! So many memories...But I'm going to go with the night we hung out in our hostel in Prague. We totally did our make-up like the Eastern European girls and took silly photos. I remember lining my lips with my brown eye-liner. That was the night we each ate three Dunkin' Donuts for dinner and then the next morning we each ate three for breakfast. Now, that's a diet I can stand behind. Or roll behind...

themayerfamily said...

I'm lovin' this. I'm with Amand about the 4th-- and I can't forget about the times when you colored our hair. There are so many,
I do remember when we were at Laura's parent's house and she made crepes for us. They were delicious and you shared with us some secrets you had learned to attract the men. Wear sparkly lip gloss, sit in a certain way and when a guy talks with you, try to touch his chest somehow. Then we shared stories of girls that we saw in church who had this down.

Laura said...

I have lots of memories for you too. The first one I can think of was when you first moved to CA and you and I thought we'd be Martha Stewart and make the fancy sugar cookies! I think we had to call your sister or maybe your sister-in-law to get a recipe for the icing! Well, it turned out that we weren't quite Martha! They looked decent (well,yours did anyway), but mine looked more like Martha in Kindergarten!!

rachelsaysso said...

Mine is more vague but I think it is Classic Wendy. You came over to my parent's house for dinner or something and you were wearing a very cute dress, brown maybe, and I think it was the first time you showed us how to properly pose for pictures -- Turn your body slightly away from the camera, point your face to the camera, chin down and SMILE.

Liz the Poet said...

One of my favorite memories of you, Wendy, is when you had the Christmas-y type party. And you had painted everyone a little snowman bag and dressed the snowman in something that represented that person.

Mine was bedecked in Irish garb. Perfect for me!

I still put out that little snowman bag every Christmas.

Amanda said...

I still have my snowman bag too! Hooray for Wendy's talent!!

Shanda said...

How can I narrow down just one memory? Well one thing I love about you - and I have never run into with anyone else - is how you would ask me what you were wearing when we were trying to remember something. What an amazing memory trick! I also remember that fun day we spent in Brasov so a doctor could look at your foot. Remember that restaurant that only sold french fries? Fun!